About radiation 🤢

I'll write about back problems another time, but now I want to make a quick note about radiation hazards and the right protective medications. Volodka's schizoaffective disorder is most likely progressing and you should be prepared for anything from a nuclear strike to nuclear plant explosions. In addition, I find it disgusting when in the internet all the pseudo-specialists bring up the old Soviet...

About back problems. Part one. 🔗

Protrusions and herniated discs are quite common nowadays. This is not only my opinion, doctors orthopedists and neurologists also confirm this trend, some of them even built a successful business only on this problem (hello to the center of Bubnovsky and other comers 🙂 ) I in my time extremely well understood the causes and solutions to this problem. So I want to share....

Harmful Shoes 🦶🏻🦵🏻

Every year, when buying shoes, I notice more and more how pseudo-designers-hipsters pervert new models of shoes, making them worse and worse. Moreover, marketers serve it all under the sauce of new fashion trends. Sometimes there are such harmful for the foot models (see the photo below), that I want to give them to the creator and all those who promote this shit. I'll tell you why...

Supplement for gaining muscle mass 💪

Anyone who has been to a sports nutrition store knows how many beautiful cans there are with inscriptions like mass up, hyper mass, true mass, etc. What is not invented using people's complexes 😁 Yes, gaining mass is as much a problem as eliminating it. And it's more about muscle mass, which is probably more relevant for guys. That's why today's post...

About vitamins and marketing 🔗

We've all probably heard the recommendation of doctors to take vitamins to improve something there (usually they themselves do not know what 😁)And here we go to pharmacies, to buy those vitamins, and there the eyes are scattered and the pharmacist steams what he needs to sell🙂 In this post I will tell you how not to fall for marketing and buy only "working" ....

About low testosterone

"In one of my posts I already described the consequences of excess testosterone in bodybuilders who take it externally. I wanted to tell about the opposite problem, when testosterone is scarce, as well as about the global tendency of this hormone decrease in men. However, I remembered a material on this topic from a smart guy from youtube. He put together...

About sweets, coffee, alcohol 🍰☕️🍷

I often hear doctors forbid people to eat sweets, coffee, alcohol for various diseases, they say it's all from the evil one🙂 Let's understand what from this list is from the evil one and what is not and why : Let's start with sweets, i.e. fast carbohydrates, it is the simplest source of energy for body cells. Unless there are metabolic diseases where high glucose (periodically over 5.5....

How to get smart? 🧠🎯

I think each of us has probably asked ourselves this question at least once. However, not everyone understands what steps to take and not everyone can give the right definition of intelligence. So, a smart person is not the one who has read many books, not the one who has many educations, not the one who knows many languages, not the one who has many....

About the sun, tanning and skin blemishes 🌞🐾

You've all probably noticed that every year the planet is getting hotter and hotter. Even in cool Europe glaciers in the Alps are melting, not to mention the southern countries where it is difficult to be in the summer (hello to those in the UAE 😁) All this happens because of the well-known global warming. I'll be Vanga and say that in about 10 years we...

On the evils of "online" 👩‍💻👨‍💻

There is a good sci-fi movie with Bruce Willis (made before his career sunset 🙂 ) - Surrogates, about a future where people live partly "online" in a virtual world, while their bodies get fat and old somewhere in a dusty apartment. The movie echoes the ideas of various sci-fi writers Strugatsky, Lem, Lukyanenko.... However, even these guys would be surprised to see...

About testosterone 💪

Every time I go to the gym, I notice individuals who use steroids (mountains of muscle, swelling, acne on the back and shoulders). Most likely they inject themselves with testosterone esters (propionate, enanthate). For example, in my gym the trainers do it. I understand their motivation, but I don't think they understand the health consequences. For these guys I will try to explain non-trivially what threatens....

About marketing and collagen peptides🧩

Sometimes I scroll through Instagram and see how deeply misguided people are about their health and related products. I will expose in an example, how we are sold supposedly necessary supplements/vitamins by all kinds of bloggers-"body therapists" and other losers of this modern world. Let's start with what I see most often - Collagen peptides🙂 On YouTube/Instagram lady bloggers sell this supplement with enviable constancy. More...

Supplements from стресса🧘🏻‍♂️🗿

In our troubled times, such supplements are especially relevant, but few people know really effective means to manage stress. Usually the choice comes down to alcohol or valerian tincture 😁 I'll suggest two very effective supplements you haven't heard of: L-Theanine - an amino acid from tea. It is a relaxing substance that does not cause sedation. It's not bad for relieving tension or...

On LGBT rights 🏳️‍🌈

The title is my sarcasm actually, because there can be no special rights for lgbt individuals in principle🙂 They differ from other people by just one section of neurons.... What is this area? Our brain has a special area with a complicated name - the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST in English) It turns out,...

About weight loss and metabolism

Summer, everyone wants to show their excellent physical shape, but some people do not manage to do it for years, hindered by excess weight from which no way to get rid of)How to reverse this situation and finally lose weight? And so, in every cell, every person has a kind of molecular sensor of the energy state: AMP-activated protein kinase, AMPK, or AMPK in English.

About weight gain and metabolism

The headline is quite banal, but many people and even "pseudo experts" still do not understand the basic rules of our metabolism, thereby harming themselves with special diets, or for example, silly workouts.And so, we have all heard that if you eat a lot of caloric food, you can gain weight. Let's first find out what the caloric content of food is. It's the amount of energy that you get...

A useful antibiotic

My interests in biology intersect with the topic of life extension (AntiAge). One of the important aspects in this field is the complexity of maintaining the structure of the extracellular matrix of human tissues throughout life. In simple words, we all notice how our skin changes texture with age, wrinkles, age spots, etc. Moreover, we begin to see less clearly,...

How to adjust your immunity against viruses❓

Without getting into complicated concepts, immunity is a system that has different components of defense, each of which is responsible for defense against a specific type of infection.The main components of defense against viruses are the NK (natural killers) and Th1 (T-helpers-1) cell lines. Roughly speaking, if your immune system is dominated by these components, viral infections will be easy or asymptomatic, but...

About viruses

So, the first science post will be about viruses, specifically covids. Yes yes, I am aware that this topic has been covered head to toe. So I will write briefly, in theses, what many medical/scientists/scientists/commons have NOT realized: 1️⃣Вирус covid is most likely artificially modified. There is compelling evidence for this. I'll point out right off the bat that to do such a thing...