Boxing and Ostarine

Another athlete has been caught by the Anti-Doping Organization after taking Ostarine. As a reminder, Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). I wrote about this class of drugs in my post Hollywood, Steroids, SARMs. This athlete is Ryan Garcia, he is a young (25 years old) but popular boxer from Mexico. By the way, in the fight where he was "burned" - he won. Helped him...

What to do if you are thin and can't gain weight?

To begin with, the weight of the human body is determined by the weight of different tissues. I wrote about this on my instagram. However, often, everyone wants to gain weight in muscle tissue, because having a lot of fat or thick bones is not healthy, just like walking around swollen from excess fluid, which also gives weight. Having well-developed muscle tissue is...

How do you reverse gray hair?

Gray hair is always associated with old age, but this is not always the case. In preventative medicine, which I cover, there is such a thing as premature gray hair, and there is also a belief that you can't reverse gray hair. However, this is not true, and today's post is about that. First of all, let's find out how gray hair appears and what...

The stuff from black cumin can grow muscles 💪

A small post to add to the topic of muscle loss (sarcopenia). I mentioned that there are natural substances that affect myostatin, a protein that suppresses muscle growth from the TGF-b superfamily of proteins. Now, one of these substances may be sulforaphane from broccoli. But, I once came across a paper by bioinformaticians that screened natural compounds for properties....

Side effects of new mRNA vaccines

Recently, an interesting study was released about the now forgotten vaccination against a trendy virus in the past: The study was done on a huge sample of people and showed great harm that I wrote about back in 2021. Let's look at the findings of the study together, and then look at my little slideshow of Instagram "experts" (geniuses of thought🤣) from clinics and organizations who called me and others names....

Sarcopenia is an important factor in body aging 💪🧑‍🦼

For those not in the know, sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass. It seems to be an understandable phenomenon, but as my experience shows, even many medics hear it for the first time. The fact is that with age muscle cells myocytes die and in their place come fat cells and connective tissue (the same collagen that everyone wants after 30 😆) Under...

Multiple sclerosis and human papillomavirus.

I am continuing my series of notes on the connection between viruses and neuro diseases. Today we are going to talk about the human papillomavirus and its impact on multiple sclerosis (MS). You have heard of this virus, but not everyone understands multiple sclerosis: In a nutshell, it is when the immune system starts attacking myelin. And myelin, in turn, is...

Insomnia as a manifestation of neuroinflammation 😴

In my experience, complaints of insomnia are quite common among the population. Moreover, I myself have experienced this condition in my past. This condition is caused by a disturbance of a certain homeostasis in the brain. ✅ Let's start with a simple one, a lack of glucose. Have you ever had a condition where you wake up in the middle of the night with a wild bout of hunger? Also, this attack...

Myopia or myopia

When you go to an eye doctor in any hospital in the world, you will be examined, tested, and prescribed your choice of glasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgery. If you ask, "Doc, why am I like this? You will start to make some nonsense, as for example, I was told that supposedly the mucous membrane of my eye dries up from the air conditioner... If anyone has not yet understood, neither...

About the toxins around 🤢

Have you ever wondered how many chemicals you come into contact with every day - in the air, food, clothes, dishes, cosmetics, etc.? In short - there are a lot of them, but not everyone understands what these substances are and what effect they have on people. I will describe the main groups of substances and give examples of harm from them. 1️⃣ Bisphenols and phthalates. These ...

Geroprotectors 🛡 🛡

Or in other words, cures for old age. The topic is very broad. So I will highlight the most popular drugs and describe their targets in the body. And I will start with the targets. Roughly and conditionally we can say that a person ages the following parts of the body: - Heart and blood vessels - Central nervous system (brain) - Extracellular matrix (collagen, elastin) - Immune system - Stem cells (bone,...

Why do the rich live longer?

I saw an excerpt of an interview with a science blogger, where there were arguments about the fact that the rich live longer. I didn't learn anything new from what I heard, that the rich can afford to buy quality food and not live in Troyeschina. In short, - typical science-pop 🙂 I had an idea to share with you real medical technologies that help the rich to bear the burdens....

About anemia and harmful trends 🩸

The photo above shows the anemia test results of a 25 year old girl who has not eaten meat for about a year. Unfortunately nowadays anemia is a scourge among girls. For reasons unknown to me, many bloggers-experts-clowns-spartakisubbots propagate a pseudo-healthy lifestyle, among which is often glimpsed a complete refusal of meat (replaced by fish or other bullshit). They are listened to by thousands, millions, and repeated.....

Antibiotic resistance is a myth 💊❓

I often hear the concern of medical professionals about antibiotic resistance. Various organizations like the WHO are also whining about it, calling for limiting the use of antibiotics. But are they right and can this process be stopped through such restrictions? This is a question I have been asking for a long time, here are my thoughts on the matter: Consider an isolated system - a petri dish 🧫, inside a medium and a culture of bacteria, for example...

Nootropics: Benefit,Harm 🧠⚙️💊

I became interested in this topic a long time ago, after watching the legendary movie "The Dark Regions" 🙂 Since then, a lot of theoretical information about the effects of nootropics has been accumulated, which was confirmed by practice, on me and other people. Right away I will make a small digression - using nootropics "in pure form" will not make you Arestovich😁 I have already written that we become smarter through....

ChatGPT, immunity and parasites 💡 💡

I'll start from afar, so you'll have to strain your brain a bit to understand me 🙂 So, probably already many of you have heard about the artificial intelligence option called ChatGPT. This algorithm answers your questions and tasks. Soon this kind of technology will replace humans (stupid humans😁). But now I'm talking about something else - have you ever wondered how such algorithms work? A programmer sits down, writes...

About cosmetics

In short, the effectiveness of most cosmetics is illusory and inspired by marketing and we can end here, however, I will still give minimal scientific arguments🧐I will do it by popular categories of cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid products. In any cosmetics store you will see creams, serums, fluids, tonics on which it is drawn and written how you will get younger after their use😄 Unfortunately, this is all...

About beauticians and cosmetics💉😷

I often see ads for different doctors' pages on my instagram. Most often they are cosmetologists. It is understandable, because the main audience of this network is busy narcissizing themselves digitally, and photoshop is not enough for them 😄 But that's not what I mean. Usually when I visit such pages I see fierce incompetence. So in this post I will describe the frequent misconceptions of such specialists.....

About crutches and orthopedic doctors🦿🦾

"Dear orthopedic doctors", explain to me, in what science is it described that the prescription of insoles and corsets is an effective therapy for posture problems? The question is of course rhetorical, I know that in response I will hear some inarticulate mooing, and especially gifted will throw me links to studies that they did not understand, or that are made crooked 😁 Let me spend a little time and explain the harm....

Immunity supplements💊💊

Have you ever asked yourself the question - can a person never get sick? I have 🙂 My answer is that they can't, but they can get sick rarely. And what do you need to do to get sick rarely? Improve your immune system. But here is the trouble, how to do this you will not answer neither doctors nor even whole scientists 🙂 In some of my posts I have already written.....

About mice and a two-million-dollar cure 💊🐭

As you have already noticed, I often criticize different medicines that are imposed on us every year more and more. Of course, I understand what big business is and that top management of pharmaceutical companies need to maintain their business jets for flights to Ibiza 😁 But this is not understood by people who need treatment, as well as doctors that prescribe them....

About baldness and botox 👴

The problem of baldness is very relevant among men, because the hair on the head for each person is a kind of attribute of attractiveness, which some go away with age. Similar problems are also found in women. Scientifically baldness is called alopecia and roughly speaking there are two types - androgenetic (androgenic) and autoimmune. The most common alopecia is androgenic. If you go to a...

About depression and antidepressants 😞

The other day I watched a doc movie about how Yankee psychiatrists prescribe Xanax, antidepressants and other psycho(dis)active stuff 🙂 Also, this trend has come to Europe. So decided to shed some light on this problem. Depression as a pathology is a very real condition. Probably gone are the days when some smart psychologist would say something like "Your problems are childhood trauma" etc. and.....

About Acne

In the last post I mentioned acne and harmful Roaccutane, which is increasingly prescribed by dermatologists for severe acne. Analyzing the Google output, I realized that in my country every month thousands of queries are made on the topic of this drug. This means that people in desperation resort to any measures to get rid of complexes about it. I am saddened by this trend, because....

About the FDA and harmful drugs 💊

The evolution of medicine has not always been smooth. It is enough to remember the stories of bloodletting, radioactive ointments, sleeping pills that caused deformities in children, etc. There have been many such stories in all times, and it is happening now. There are still harmful drugs on the pharmaceutical market. By harmful, I mean a questionable benefit/harm ratio. Pharma companies, whose owners are whole...

About back problems. Part two.🔗

In the first part of this post, I described the causes of poor posture and the intervertebral disc problems that arise as a result of it. Now I will describe how to avoid these problems. I will do it point by point, depending on the cause of the disorder. ✅If your back was fine, but then it became bad because you changed your occupation (a vivid example - someone "entered"...

About radiation 🤢

I'll write about back problems another time, but now I want to make a quick note about radiation hazards and the right protective medications. Volodka's schizoaffective disorder is most likely progressing and you should be prepared for anything from a nuclear strike to nuclear plant explosions. In addition, I find it disgusting when in the internet all the pseudo-specialists bring up the old Soviet...