
The site is a web mirror of my Telegram channel @DrMoroChannel To subscribe click on the button:

All of the channel's articles are here:

  • Is it hot? Let me tell you about the dangers of high temperatures
    As you all have noticed the temperature this month has started to break records... Whether it is global warming or not, but personally I notice that the weather in Kiev has become like in some Spain, where...
  • Starvation is of dubious benefit
    I think you have already watched and listened to the posts of various pseudoscientific bloggers about the benefits of interval fasting. All of them start a caricature about some mythical (for them) autophagy that occurs during fasting and rejuvenates the organism....
  • Growth hormone therapy
    In addition to the instagram post about growth hormone, I'm giving you a list of drugs with my reviews for each one. Let's start with recombinant growth hormone preparations. I write at once that my words are not a theory, but....
  • The global trend of low testosterone
    I think you know that testosterone is the main hormone for the development of male sexual characteristics or masculinity. Thanks to testosterone we have gender differences, the same ones that some stupid individuals want to abolish year after year....
  • Tamoxifen as a TGF-beta inhibitor
    I already did a post on Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta). As I recall, this is a cytokine that causes cells to undergo apoptosis and be replaced by fibrous tissue. The more of this...
  • What is acne really?
    Acne, also known as acne, or pimples, is a common chronic (as doctors believe) skin condition characterized by the formation of blackheads, comedones (black dots and white heads), papules, and pustules. It occurs ...
  • Boxing and Ostarine
    Another athlete has been caught by the Anti-Doping Organization after taking Ostarine. As a reminder, Ostarine is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM). I wrote about this class of drugs in my post "Hollywood, Steroids, SARMs". This athlete...
  • What to do if you are thin and can't gain weight?
    To begin with, the weight of the human body is determined by the weight of different tissues. I wrote about this on my instagram. However, often, everyone wants to gain weight of muscle tissue, because to have a lot of fat....
  • How do you reverse gray hair?
    Gray hair is always associated with old age, but this is not always the case. In preventive medicine, which I cover, there is a concept called "premature gray hair" (premature gray hair), also known as "premature...
  • The stuff from black cumin can grow muscles 💪
    A little post to add to the topic of muscle loss (sarcopenia). I mentioned that there are natural substances that affect myostatin, a protein that suppresses muscle growth from the TGF-b superfamily of proteins. Now, one.
  • Side effects of new mRNA vaccines
    Recently, an interesting study was released about the already forgotten by many people vaccination against a fashionable virus in the past: The study was done on a huge sample of people and showed great harm, which I wrote\sayed back in the distant....
  • Sarcopenia is an important factor in body aging 💪🧑‍🦼
    For those not in the know, sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass. It seems understandable, but in my experience, even many medical professionals are hearing it for the first time. The thing is, as we age, muscle cells...
  • Multiple sclerosis and human papillomavirus.
    I am continuing my series of notes on the connection between viruses and neuro diseases. Today we are going to talk about the human papillomavirus and its impact on Multiple sclerosis (MS). It's a virus you've heard of, and...
  • Insomnia as a manifestation of neuroinflammation 😴
    In my experience, complaints of insomnia are quite common among the population. Moreover, I myself have experienced this condition in my past. This condition occurs due to disturbance of certain homeostasis in the brain. ✅...
  • Myopia or myopia
    When you go to an eye doctor in any hospital in the world, you will be examined, tested, and prescribed your choice of glasses, contact lenses, or corrective surgery. If you ask, "Doc, why am I like this? You'll...
  • How do plastic substances affect gender? 🏳️‍🌈
    In the last post I wrote about the toxins around us, and in this one I will write about how substances from plastic affect the epigenetics of gender. The thing is that just recently, by chance, in one...
  • About the toxins around 🤢
    Have you ever wondered how many chemicals you come into contact with every day - in the air, food, clothes, dishes, cosmetics, etc.? In short - there are a lot of them, but not everyone realizes what they are...
  • Geroprotectors 🛡 🛡
    Or in other words, cures for old age. The topic is very broad. So I will highlight the most popular drugs and describe their targets in the body. And I'll start with the targets. Roughly and conditionally we can say...
  • Why do the rich live longer?
    I saw an excerpt of an interview with a science blogger, where there were arguments about the fact that the rich live longer. From what I heard, I learned nothing new, that the rich can afford to buy quality food and not live....
  • About anemia and harmful trends 🩸
    The photo above shows the anemia test results of a 25 year old girl who has not eaten meat for about a year. Unfortunately nowadays anemia is a scourge among girls. For reasons unbeknownst to me, many expert bloggers-experts-clowns-spartakisubbots are propagandizing....
  • Hollywood, steroids, SARMs 💪🏋️‍♀️
    Have any of you thought about how Hollywood stars manage to look beyond their years in terms of fitness or looks? Usually when I ask people this question, I get the answer....
  • Antibiotic resistance is a myth 💊❓
    I often hear the concern of medical professionals about antibiotic resistance. Various organizations like the WHO are also whining about it, calling for limiting the use of antibiotics. However, are they right and can this process be stopped through such restrictions? These ...
  • Nootropics: Benefit,Harm 🧠⚙️💊
    I became interested in this topic a long time ago, after watching the legendary movie "Areas of Darkness" 🙂 Since then, a lot of theoretical information about the effects of nootropics has been accumulated, which was confirmed by practice, on me and other people.....
  • ChatGPT, immunity and parasites 💡 💡
    I'll start from afar, so you'll have to strain your brain a bit to understand me 🙂 So, probably already many of you have heard about an artificial intelligence option called ChatGPT. This algorithm answers your questions and challenges....
  • About cosmetics
    In short, the effectiveness of most cosmetics is illusory and inspired by marketing and we can end here, however, I will still give minimal scientific arguments🧐I will do it by popular categories of cosmetics. Hyaluronic acid products. In any...
  • About beauticians and cosmetics💉😷
    I often see ads for different doctors' pages on my instagram. Most of them are cosmetologists. It is understandable, because the main audience of this network is busy narcissizing themselves digitally, and photoshop is not enough for them....
  • About crutches and orthopedic doctors🦿🦾
    "Dear orthopedic doctors", explain to me, in what science it is described that the prescription of insoles and corsets is an effective therapy for problems with posture? The question is of course rhetorical, I know that in response I will hear some inarticulate mooing, a...
  • Immunity supplements💊💊
    Have you ever asked yourself the question - can a person never get sick? I have 🙂 My answer is that they can't, but they can get sick rarely. And what do you need to do to get sick rarely? Improve your ....
  • On sports, metabolism and longevity 🏋️‍♀️👴
    The modern world is still full of myths and some false dogmas that most people live by. One of these myths I have to hear often is the claim that sport helps to prolong the...
  • About mice and a two-million-dollar cure 💊🐭
    As you have already noticed, I often criticize different medicines that are imposed on us more and more every year. Of course, I understand what big business is and that the top management of pharmaceutical companies need to maintain....
  • About baldness and botox 👴
    The problem of baldness is very relevant among men, because the hair on the head for each person is a kind of attribute of attractiveness, which some people go away with age. Similar problems are found in women. By...
  • About depression and antidepressants 😞
    The other day I watched a doc movie about how Yankee psychiatrists prescribe Xanax, antidepressants and other psycho(dis)active stuff 🙂 Also, this trend has come to Europe. So decided to shed some light on this problem. Depression...
  • About Acne
    In the last post I mentioned acne and harmful Roaccutane, which is increasingly prescribed by dermatologists for severe acne. Analyzing the Google rendition I realized that in my country every month thousands of queries on the topic are made....
  • About the FDA and harmful drugs 💊
    The evolution of medicine has not always been smooth. It is enough to remember the stories of bloodletting, radioactive ointments, sleeping pills that caused deformities in children, etc. There have been many such stories, in all times, it happens and....
  • About back problems. Part two.🔗
    In the first part of this post, I described the causes of poor posture and the intervertebral disc problems that arise as a result of it. Now I will describe how to avoid these problems. I will do it point by point, depending on the cause of the violation....
  • About radiation 🤢
    I will write about dealing with back problems another time, but now I want to make a quick note about radiation hazards and proper protective medications. Volodya's schizoaffective disorder is most likely progressing and should be...
  • About back problems. Part one. 🔗
    Protrusions and herniated discs are quite common nowadays. This is not only my opinion, doctors orthopedists and neurologists also confirm this trend, some of them even built a successful business just on this...
  • Harmful Shoes 🦶🏻🦵🏻
    Every year, when buying shoes, I notice more and more how pseudo-designers-hipsters pervert new models of shoes, making them worse and worse. And, marketers all this is served under the sauce of new fashion trends. Sometimes there are...
  • Supplement for gaining muscle mass 💪
    Anyone who has been to a sports nutrition store knows how many beautiful jars there are with inscriptions like mass up, hyper mass, true mass, etc. What can't they come up with using people's complexes 😁 Yes, a set of...
  • About vitamins and marketing 🔗
    We've all probably heard the doctors' recommendations to take vitamins to improve something there (usually they don't know what 😁)And so we go to the pharmacies to buy those vitamins, and there are eyes....
  • About low testosterone
    "In one of my posts I already described the consequences of excessive testosterone in bodybuilders that take it from outside. I wanted to tell you about the opposite problem, when testosterone is scarce, and...
  • About sweets, coffee, alcohol 🍰☕️🍷
    I often hear doctors forbid people to eat sweets, coffee, alcohol in different diseases, they say it's all from the evil one🙂 Let's understand what from this list is from the evil one and what is not and why : Let's start ....
  • How to get smart? 🧠🎯
    I think each of us has probably asked ourselves this question at least once. However, not everyone understands what steps to take and not everyone can give the right definition of intelligence. So, a smart person is....
  • About the sun, tanning and skin blemishes 🌞🐾
    You've probably all noticed that every year it gets hotter and hotter on the planet. Even in cool Europe, the glaciers in the Alps are melting, not to mention the southern countries where it is difficult to be in the summer (hi...
  • On the evils of "online" 👩‍💻👨‍💻
    There's a pretty good sci-fi movie with Bruce Willis (made before his career sunset 🙂 ) - Surrogates, about a future where people live partly "online" in a virtual world while their bodies get fat....
  • About testosterone 💪
    Every time I go to the gym, I notice individuals who use steroids (mountains of muscle, swelling, acne on the back and shoulders). Most likely they inject themselves with testosterone esters (propionate, enanthate).For example, in my gym it is...
  • About marketing and collagen peptides🧩
    Sometimes I scroll through Instagram and see how deeply misguided people are about their health and related products. I will expose in an example, how we are sold supposedly necessary supplements\vitamins by all sorts of bloggers-"body therapists" and other losers of this...
  • Supplements from стресса🧘🏻‍♂️🗿
    In our troubled times, such supplements are especially relevant, but few people know really effective means to manage stress. Usually the choice comes down to alcohol or tincture of valerian 😁 I will offer two very effective...
  • On LGBT rights 🏳️‍🌈
    The headline is my sarcasm actually, because there can be no special rights for lgbt individuals in principle🙂 They differ from other people by just one section of neurons.... What the...
  • About weight loss and metabolism
    Summer, everyone wants to show their excellent physical shape, but some people can not do it for years, hindered by excess weight from which no way to get rid of)How to reverse this situation and finally lose weight? About this I will tell...
  • About weight gain and metabolism
    The headline is rather banal, but many people and even "pseudo-specialists" still do not understand the fundamental rules of our metabolism, thereby harming themselves with special diets, or for example, silly workouts.And so, we all...
  • A useful antibiotic
    My interests in biology intersect with the topic of life extension (AntiAge). One of the important aspects in this field is the complexity of preserving the structure of the extracellular matrix of human tissues throughout life. In simple words.
  • How to adjust your immunity against viruses❓
    Without getting into complicated concepts, immunity is a system that has various defense components, each of which is responsible for defense against a specific type of infection.The main components of defense against viruses are the NK cell lines....
  • About viruses
    So, the first science post will be about viruses, specifically covids. Yes, yes, I'm aware that this topic has been covered head to toe. So I'm going to write briefly, in a thesis,...