Have you ever thought about how many chemicals you encounter every day - in the air, food, clothes, dishes, cosmetics, etc.? In short - there are a lot of them, but not everyone understands what these substances are and what effect they have on a person. I will describe the main groups of substances and give examples of harm from them.

1️⃣Bisphenols and phthalates. These substances are harmful and they are everywhere. From clothes to plastic bottles and nail polishes.
So what do you ask? The fact is that the molecules of these substances accumulate in the fatty tissue when they enter the body, moreover, in structure, they resemble female hormones. There are a huge number of studies that suggest various pathologies due to these toxins. Bisphenol A
has especially distinguished itself , it is associated with developmental disorders of the reproductive organs, brain (there is a version that transgender people are “consequences” of bisphenol), acne , depression, cancer , etc. Container manufacturers have gotten busy and started making less harmful bisphenols, for example bisphenol S , but it, as it turned out later, is also toxic. In addition, the fact that bisphenols penetrate the body transdermally, i.e. through the skin, raises concern. That is, if a person wears cheap synthetic clothes (for example, Chinese), then he gets nano doses of this substance every day.

Sweeteners. I have been saying for a long time - what is unnatural is most likely harmful . This can be said about sweeteners, these substances deceive taste buds. Just recently, the WHO declared aspartame a carcinogen. This is one of the most common sweeteners in the world, which can be found in Coke Zero, which hipsters drink, thinking that sugar is evil . Aspartame was caught in connection with the development of cancer, headaches and neurotoxicity. There are other similar substances that have yet to be studied. Fructose should be mentioned separately. It is not a sweetener, but an isomer of glucose, but in any store I see a shelf with fructose sweets. I think a lot of people buy this crap and also think that sugar is evil, and fructose is a glorious sweet substance . The fact is that fructose causes fatty liver. In laboratory conditions, it is used to create this pathology in rats. Never use fructose in your diet as an additive or an analogue of sugar. Medicines. I have already written about nimesil and paracetamol . These drugs are very popular in the former CIS for pain of various origins. But not everyone knows that they are toxic to the liver, which is directly written in the instructions for nimesil, but no one reads the instructions for paracetamol. For example, taking paracetamol with alcohol almost always causes reversible (or not ) liver damage after 1-3 days.2️⃣

3️⃣🙂🙂With nimesil everything is cooler, it can “kill” the liver without alcohol. If you don’t believe me, just open the instructions for it. And yes, I’ve heard a lot of talk like “I drank it and it’s great for me”, but who of you does a liver biochemistry test after taking it?🙂

4️⃣Aflatoxins. These toxins are a product of fungi of the genus Aspergillus. What is their danger? The fact is that they are very toxic even in microdoses. They cause serious liver damage, which leads to liver cancer. According to 2010 data, about 25,200-155,000 cases of hepatoma (liver cancer) can be associated with exposure to aflatoxins. Aspergillus loves pistachios and other nuts. They are also found in tea and other products. These fungi and their toxins are a big problem in African countries, as well as other countries with hot and humid climates. Therefore, be careful with products from such countries, especially when it comes to nuts and seeds.

5️⃣Dioxins. A group of substances that can be described as “very toxic crap”. To understand the seriousness of these substances, it is worth remembering the face of the former President of Ukraine Yushchenko, whom the vile Chekists poisoned with 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD) , this is polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin.
The choice of this substance by the poisoners could have been an “evil reference” to the Americans, their war in Vietnam and to “Agent Orange” (Google it if you are interested ). By the way, they even wrote a scientific publication🙂 about this poisoning . The link is below. The danger of dioxins for ordinary people is also significant. This crap causes acne, cancer, and God knows what else. It can be in the air. Therefore, it is very important NOT to live near factories (pulp and paper industry), roads with heavy traffic! The photo below is a little scary about the consequences of the war in Vietnam. These are disabled children with mutations acquired in the womb of their mothers, who in turn had contact with TCDD (as part of Agent Orange)


From DrMoro