The evolution of medicine has not always been smooth. It is enough to recall the stories of bloodletting, radioactive ointments, sleeping pills that caused deformities in children, etc. There have been many such stories, at all times, and this is still happening. There are still harmful drugs on the pharmaceutical market.  By harmful, I mean a dubious benefit/harm ratio.

Pharmaceutical companies, the owners of which are entire dynasties, have been on this market for a long time and have become quite smart in terms of "foisting" their products on people. They began to indirectly finance individual organizations that act as a kind of jury that approves or disapproves a drug before it enters the market. For example, in the US, such an organization is  the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) .

For many ordinary people, this organization has become something like a quality mark for medicines, and this is partly true. However, people familiar with the concept of propaganda know about the Goebbels method - "40 to 60", which assumes 60% truth and 40% disinformation for the sake of their own interests. This is approximately how pharmaceutical companies and their lobbyists in the FDA work; 60% of their truth is about the benefits of the drug, the remaining 40% is disinformation about the harm and consequences - relatively speaking, of course 😉

Some of you will now say that I am carrying some kind of conspiracy theories 😁  I will answer this - I am NOT talking about all drugs. Of course, the FDA also approves useful drugs, where there is very little harm and great benefit, but this is the same conditional 60% 😉

If you want to be convinced of my words, google the story about the drug  OxyContin  and  Purdue Pharma  (By the way, there is a good TV series about this called “Withdrawal”). Google the story about the sleeping pill  Thalidomide , which gave 12,000 children congenital deformities and which the FDA approved twice (!!) Or google the new story about the drug against Alzheimer's disease -  Aducanumab . There is enough information about such situations, if only there was the desire and skills to analyze it🧐

Итак, мой список актуальных вредных препаратов, что одобрила FDA:

1️⃣Новые мРНК вакцины. Да да, баян, но у них соотношение польза\вред плохое. Я уже писал о публикации где доказали миокардит с вакцинацией у молодых людей.
Есть еще данные о различных синдромах. Например синдром Рамсея- Ханта от которого недавно внезапно пострадали Бибер, Чубайс, Потап и другие люди что поверили врачам и новым вакцинам. О внезапных смертях вы и без меня слышали\видели.. А вот кто увидел пользу❓

Например я увидел пользу только для акционеров пфайзер, чьи акции взлетели просто в космос🙂 Статистики не подтверждают что мы излечили ковид, более того осенью и зимой нас ждет новая волна.

Кроме этого, мы не знаем как бы все закончилось без вакцинации. Но нам упорно говорят что плохо, мне смешно это слушать😁 Т.е на 100% оценить эффективность этих вакцин можно только так:

Если бы было две одинаковые планеты земля, где одновременно началась пандемия, и одной планете начали давать вакцины, а на второй нет — тогда это наглядный опыт эффективности вакцин, а все остальное — оплаченные фармкомпаниями мероприятия.

2️⃣ Парацетамол и НПВП. Да, каждый из нас хоть раз пил от температуры парацетамол или нестероидные противовоспалительные препараты типа нимесила. Так вот вы знали что парацетамол вызывает астму или аутизм? Не думаю. В инструкции этого тоже вроде не пишут… Далее, нимесил, что любят назначать стоматологи на 5 дней после удаления зубов (глупость полная). Этот препарат приводит летальным повреждениям печени, поэтому где-то его запретили, но продолжают продавать в странах 3го мира.

3️⃣ Роаккутан или Аккутан или Изотретиноин. Препарат от акне или прыщей, что применяют когда уже ничего не помогает. Также им иногда лечат онко и аутоиммунные заболевания.

Here is a particularly interesting scenario. At the time of the release of this drug, there was nothing like it on the market. That is, the situation promised pharmaceutical companies huge profits on the complexes of pimply people 😁  However, it turned out that the drug, despite all its effectiveness against acne, has a strong teratogenic effect. That is, it damages the fetus during pregnancy. The cunning capitalists did not lose their heads - they directly described these and other side effects in the instructions and gave special instructions to doctors on the appointment, like not to give it to pregnant women. Well, the scheme worked, they told dermatologists a fairy tale that this is the only effective remedy, but a little dangerous, you should be careful there, and they gave pimpled people hope for a complete cure 🙂

Over time, it turned out that the drug is toxic not only for the fetus. It damages the hypothalamus, which in turn can cause depression from which you go out the window. This fact was also quickly added to the instructions to remove responsibility from themselves. It also reduces the ovarian reserve in girls and much more

But, despite all this, the drug is still prescribed to this day, and its promotion is also carried out by dermatologists, for whom the words “apoptosis of hypothalamic neurons” are an empty phrase.

From DrMoro