In my experience, complaints of insomnia are quite common among the population. Moreover, I myself have encountered this condition in my past.

This condition occurs due to a disturbance in a certain homeostasis in the brain.

✅Let's start with something simple - lack of glucose. Have you ever had a condition when you woke up in the middle of the night with a wild attack of hunger? Also, this attack can be preceded by nightmares. This is a clear example of hypoglycemia, when the brain does not have enough energy to implement the necessary processes during sleep. This happens to girls with anemia, during diets, when using drugs that "drop" glucose in the blood. A person sleeps restlessly, but this is not true insomnia.

✅Moving on, disruption of the circadian rhythm of sleep or jet lag. When you get used to one period of daylight, and then fly to Indonesia and do not sleep for a couple of days (as happened to me 🙂). This happens because of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland. The brain gets used to the fact that at a certain time of day it gets dark and begins to synthesize melatonin, which has many functions, but among them you know only the function of "putting to sleep". When changing time zones, the brain gets confused in the synthesis of this hormone and it needs time to adapt. This is normal, such insomnia goes away in a maximum of a week, and with the use of melatonin even faster.

❗️❗️Now let's talk about real insomnia.

This is a serious disease of the central nervous system, which indicates damage to some areas of the brain. Most likely, this occurs due to neuroinflammation from autoimmune reactions, which in turn are triggered by viruses, vaccinations, toxins, injuries . There are also genetic variants of sleep disorders, for example, fatal familial insomnia. But in this particular post, we are talking about cases when a person had everything OK with sleep, but due to some trigger (not quite genetic), problems began. Vaccination in some cases causes problems. For example, this was proven with the use of the Pandemrix vaccine against swine flu (which, by the way, like covid, was also man-made). About 200 children in Finland and Sweden developed narcolepsy after immunization (who does not believe - google "pandemrix narcolepsy"). This is a condition when you can suddenly fall asleep regardless of the time of day. Interestingly, narcolepsy may be preceded by nocturnal insomnia. That is, we can conclude that both insomnia and narcolepsy affect some common parts of the brain. Most likely, these are the thalamus and hypothalamus.🧠🤢🦠


❗️❗️However, the Pandemrix situation did not add conscience to pharmaceutical companies, which led to another more global stupidity, which you all know about. The essence of this stupidity is that in addition to the viral load, people also received a load of antigen (protein) of the fashionable virus, which led to new autoimmune conditions, which will become known later.

❗️It should also be clearly understood that viruses that affect the “deep” neurons of the central brain lead to behavioral problems, this could be sleep disturbance, aggression, anxiety, etc. Here, everything depends on your immunity, for some it is like a jeweler, quietly and clearly removing only the “bad”, while for others it is unlucky and the immunity “hits the area” causing severe inflammation.

❗️The same goes for toxins. If the detoxification systems work perfectly, there is no damage to neurons, or it occurs to a small extent.

❓So what should people with insomnia do?❓

First of all, find a specialist who does not deny neuroinflammation as the main cause of such disorders🙂 . He must determine your cause of neuroinflammation and prescribe you a protocol, which may consist of: valavir, glutathione, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), luteolin, nattokinase and other enzymes.

Taking medicinal sleeping pills in such conditions is not very reasonable, these drugs will not treat the causes of the disease. However, you can pay attention to dietary supplements with GABA and phenibut.

Links to research on my Instagram.

From DrMoro