Why do the rich live longer?

I saw an excerpt of an interview with a science blogger, where there were arguments about the fact that the rich live longer. From what I heard I didn't learn anything new, like the rich can afford to buy quality food and not live on Troyeschina. In short - typical science-pop. 🙂

I have an idea to share with you real medical technologies that help the rich to bear the hardships of life. I will highlight the main directions, also in some places I will omit details so as not to bore people far from biology.

Fighting cancer . At one meeting I once heard a myth that supposedly cancer cells live in each of us, but come to life in old age. 😂 It's funny to me, but unfortunately people truly believe in such things. To put it very simply, there are no cancer cells in the body as long as the body maintains proper cellular homeostasis. Homeostasis is balance. If you imagine that a cell is your car, it will be fine as long as you take care of it, drive it properly, change the oil, keep it in the garage, etc. But even with such care, over the years the parts of your car become physically old (oxidation, loss of strength, wear and tear, etc.) So in the cell, inside it there are mechanisms that maintain "cleanliness and order" inside, but over the years these mechanisms fail in some people, and there is a "fire" in the form of cancer. Sorry for such metaphors 🙂

How do we fight it? As one mustachioed figure used to say - we need a preemptive strike😁 It's supplements, lifestyle, food, blah blah blah blah, some fancy health coaches will probably tell you about it. 🙂However, as my experience tells me, not everyone thinks about it until it happens. And not everyone knows what to do. I myself didn't start looking after my health until I was in my 30s 😉

What do doctors do when cancer strikes? The therapy for mere mortals is extremely described, if briefly, it is chemotherapy with cytotoxic drugs -> tumor shrinkage -> surgery for removal. However, those who had "cancerous" relatives are well aware that the result of such treatment is bad. But at the same time everyone is listening to Putins, Rokschilds and other rich people who live with cancer for years. How do they do it ?

- First of all, these people do not have the same doctors you have in hospitals, they are really experts with their own labs, which are not in Instagram 😂 As Murakami wrote - deep rivers flow silently 🙂

- Secondly, the technologies that these people use are often experimental. This word is usually used for mere mortals who listen to the FDA and similar stupid bureaucrats. Real experts assess the risks and put the technology into practice.

Here are some examples of such technologies:

CAR-T cell therapy. This is a modification of immune T-cells for a more aggressive response to cancerous tissue (now it is leukemia, but scientists are working on other types of cancer). Its price comes to 475 thousand $ Who is interested in details google, this technique is already available and mere mortals with money 🙂

Personalized medicine therapy. What are we talking about? The expression of different receptors on tumor cells. The thing is that every patient's tumor has its own "signature" of receptors, and it is a bad idea to treat with template methods (as ordinary doctors do). Activation of some of these receptors on tumor cells leads to cell death, but they are not activated by themselves. It takes substances from outside the tumor. An example of such a substance for some tumors is a substance from chamomile - apigenin. But most often for this purpose antibodies are created specifically for the patient's tumor, which is then injected into the patient by drips. Perhaps, right now, this is the way to treat all the damned, while still the president of the Russian Federation 🙂

Organ transplants. Sounds like a judgment for people who need a transplant, but for people with connections, it's an operation they can do once a year. 🙂 There are other waiting lists and other surgeons, I don't think you need to explain the details. It's something you've seen in movies and read about in conspiracy theories. theories.

Biohacking. A relatively new and trendy word 🙂 It sounds ridiculous to some people, but the point is this: rich people can afford to monitor their body parameters constantly. This includes determining their predisposition (remember Jolie, who had her breasts cut off before she got cancer) and monitoring glucose, cholesterol, homocysteine. It all comes down to the amount of money you're willing to spend on tests, specialists in their interpretation, supplements.
Personally, I spend about 1500$ a year for these purposes, which is quite pennies in comparison with some people (links of examples below). But this is only due to knowledge and living in a country with affordable and cheap tests....

