The problem of baldness is very relevant among men, because the hair on the head for each person is a kind of attribute of attractiveness, which for some disappears with age. Similar problems are also found in women. Scientifically, baldness is called alopecia and, roughly speaking, there are two types - androgenetic (androgenic) and autoimmune.

The most common alopecia is androgenic.  If you consult a trichologist with androgenic alopecia, he will say that the hormone dihydrotestosterone, a derivative of testosterone, is to blame. However, is this true? 🙂

The thing is that this same hormone causes hair growth on the face and body. That is, according to the logic of doctors, we have a paradox or a collision - dihydrotestosterone grows hair on the body, BUT causes hair loss on the head ?

This paradox was studied by various scientists and, unlike doctors, they came to one interesting hypothesis:  What if the root causes of androgenic alopecia are a violation of the blood supply to the area of ​​the head called the scalp?

And this violation occurs due to the tension of the tissues on the crown, and the tension in turn occurs due to the high activity of the frontal, temporal, occipital muscles 💪🙂

The scientists thought about it and decided to conduct an experiment,  relax these muscles with Botox  and see what happens. And a miracle, in 9 months the bald test subjects had their hair restored! Not 100%, but if you look at the photos in the studies, the result is impressive.
Here, see for yourself:

Details of this hypothesis in English and research on this topic can be found in the video at the link below. And on my own behalf, I would like to note once again that such examples show how much some pseudo-specialists are mistaken, prescribing potent drugs (in this case, finasteride - an enzyme inhibitor that gives dihydrotestosterone)  and harming these patients . Remember this!

From DrMoro