About vitamins and marketing
We've all probably heard doctors recommend taking vitamins to improve something (usually they themselves don't know what ). And so we go to the drugstore to buy those very vitamins, and...
We've all probably heard doctors recommend taking vitamins to improve something (usually they themselves don't know what ). And so we go to the drugstore to buy those very vitamins, and...
"Good times make weak people" (c) In one of my posts I already described the consequences of excess testosterone in bodybuilders who take it from outside. I wanted to tell you about the opposite problem, when testosterone…
I often hear doctors forbid people from sweets, coffee, alcohol for various illnesses, saying that it is all from the evil one. Let's figure out what from this list is from the evil one and what is not and why...
I think each of us has probably asked ourselves this question at least once. However, not everyone understands what steps need to be taken and not everyone can give the correct definition of intelligence. So, smart…
You've probably all noticed that the planet is getting hotter every year. Even in cool Europe, the glaciers in the Alps are melting, not to mention the southern countries where it's hard to find…
There is a good sci-fi movie with Bruce Willis (made before the end of his career ) - Surrogates, about a future where people live partly "online" in a virtual world, while their...