To begin with, the weight of the human body is determined by the weight of different tissues. I wrote about this on my instagram. However, often everyone wants to gain weight in muscle tissue, because having a lot of fat or thick bones is not healthy, just as it is not healthy to walk around swollen from excess fluid, which also gives weight.

The presence of developed muscle tissue is a genetic advantage, such people are stronger physically without any exercises, but with exercises they can set records in sports and in other spheres where physical training is needed. Such people are few in nature, they are in the minority. This explains the attractiveness of men with muscle mass in the eyes of the weaker sex - these are rare genes. 

You should also realize that muscle mass can be set epigenetically, or in other words - pumped up 🙂 . However, even here not everyone can get good results. Gaining weight at the expense of muscles is quite a difficult task from the physiological point of view. The thing is that the metabolism of a thin person is set in such a way that anabolic processes in tissues are inhibited for some reason, but catabolic processes dominate. That is, a person easily loses weight, but it is difficult to get fat, roughly speaking. I also wrote about it here. This has its advantages, but there are also disadvantages, such as quality of life and the threat of sarcopenia. Therefore, in the matter of muscle mass it is important to maintain balance, too little muscle is bad, exactly the same as too much. This is especially important after the age of 30. Here are the reasons why you can't gain muscle mass:

1) Gastrointestinal problems, detoxification disorders. In order to gain muscle you need to eat a lot of protein products, but if the metabolism of protein and purine compounds is disturbed in the body, then when we consume protein from food and sports nutrition, we get a lot of harmful metabolites, such as ammonia, uric acid, creatinine. These products accumulate in the blood and poison different tissues. From this chronic fatigue, headaches, acne, constipation, bloating, etc. In such a state, anabolism (tissue growth) is out of the question. It is well known that people with excellent muscle mass naturally have excellent detoxification. If you have Gilbert's syndrome (a common pathology), treat it first!

2) Hormonal Status. For muscle growth, you need to have excellent levels of dihydrotestosterone, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, and insulin. It is these hormones that are the main endogenous anabolic agents in the body. Therefore, a person who wants to gain muscle mass should check his hormones and understand why they are not as they should be (for example, because of other points).

3) Nutrition. This is a trivial topic for me, but different nutritionists and nutritionists are trying to do business on it 🙂 . In brief, to gain weight you need to eat a lot, for example, if you used to eat twice a day, you need 3. If you previously had breakfast with coffee and a sausage sandwich, you need buckwheat and meat. Well, etc. there is nothing complicated, and when this topic is clever, I usually laugh. All that matters in my mind is the following: A healthy body (points 1,2) digests any food. Whether it's mac or grandma's food, it doesn't matter. What matters is the proportion of proteins/fats/carbohydrates, the absence of toxins in the food, and a healthy metabolism.

4) Nutrients that are difficult to obtain from food. It should be understood that in any area there are certain deficiencies associated with a limited set of products, water, ecology. For example, in the U.S. they add boron to water, we do not. There is evidence that boron increases testosterone, thyroid hormones, growth hormone. By the way, perhaps that's why people who move to the U.S. begin to gain weight, I've heard many times ridicule that they put something in the water. It's true - they do 🙂 . I take Boron salts (citrate, glycinate) as I believe we are deficient in this element. Then, Iodine, there are areas where it is scarce, for example in Ukraine it is Transcarpathia. Similarly with selenium, magnesium, lithium, etc. All these elements I also take. But, specifically for you, you should understand individually what is lacking! You can understand this by analyzing your hair for micro/macronutrients. Do not drink everything, as some people do. For example, iodine, boron, lithium are toxic in the wrong chemical form, in large doses, and in the wrong hands! Similarly, you can argue about vitamins, creatine and other supplements, perhaps some of these things are lacking in you now.

5) Constant sex. Yes, here of course you smiled 🙂 . But it's true, an active sex life spurs various hormones such as testosterone, growth hormone, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, etc. Bursts of these hormones increase the anabolic status of the body, because the main function of sex is reproduction, which from the point of view of evolutionary biology is a fundamental anabolic process. An organism without sex is in a less anabolic status than an organism with sex. It's also important that it be a constant sexual partner, love, all things, this biochemistry triggers more of the body's systems than just masturbation or fleeting fun with escort girls 🙂 .

6) Physical activity. Here you may think that everything is as trivial as with nutrition, but it is not! Physical activity should be with proper biomechanics. Especially for people with problem bodies. To understand what the correct biomechanics are for you, you need to do muscle testing. This is a procedure where we understand which muscles are spasmed and why. And only after this comes the understanding of what to pump and what to relax. Also important is the work of the diaphragm, on it depends on proper breathing. Such testing is done by a kinesiologist. But remember, now a lot of lunatics in this area. Who needs a sensible in Kiev, I can give contact in the comments. Without such an approach, you can harm yourself practicing in the gym. 

7) Healthy mitochondria. These are the kind of organelles in our cells. They provide ATP, the "energy molecule." From ATP, the body gets the energy it needs for anabolic processes. It's like gasoline for the body and the muscles in particular. So, there are people with polymorphisms and mutations in the structure of these mitochondria. I'm not talking about lethal variants, there are many non-lethal ones. For example, the kind where you have to take coenzyme Q10 for the rest of your life. There are also situations where people damage mitochondria with toxins and drugs. Also, mitochondria do not work well with a deficiency of growth hormone and thyroid hormones. Without the mitochondria working properly, there will be no muscle growth.

In general, these are the basic principles. I also want to note that all of the above is more important for men, evolutionarily they should have more muscle mass, in order to create, to create this world 🙂 . I do not quote female bodybuilding and taking different supplements to gain muscle mass in girls. It's not natural, it doesn't attract healthy men without deviations, remember this, femininity is more about fragility than muscles 🙂 . Of course the female gender needs muscles too, but not as much as men. Girls do not need physical activity in the gym, and a large intake of protein. Some swimming/fitness/dancing and a healthy diet with the right nutrients are enough. I recommend swimming, I used to take all my girls to the pool and teach them to swim 😂. 

From Dr. Moro