ChatGPT, immunity and parasites 💡 💡

I'm going to start from afar, so you'll have to rack your brain a bit to understand me 🙂
So, probably by now many of you have heard of an artificial intelligence option called ChatGPT. This algorithm answers your questions and tasks. Soon, this kind of technology will replace humans (stupid humans😁). But now I'm talking about something else - have you ever wondered how such algorithms work? A programmer sits down and writes an innovative self-learning algorithm, but that's not enough, this algorithm needs to be "fed" information somehow. And where is this information now? On the Internet, of course. The programmer writes another algorithm that automatically "goes" to sites, looks at the information and passes it to the algorithm that learns. As a result, we get a trained algorithm that is able to make certain conclusions.

So, learning of living organisms and in particular their immunity happens by the same analogy. More precisely artificial algorithms have done thanks to this analogy 🙂 Every living organism has a set of self-learning algorithms that analyze the external environment and not only. In multicellular organisms these algorithms are divided into systems. Now we are interested in the immune system and how its algorithms cope with parasites.
It should be noted at once that parasites are not only worms as it is commonly believed 🙂Besides them, they are fungi, bacteria and viruses.

How does the immune system learn? Instead of information from the internet (which would be nice 🙂), living organisms get information from the external environment and by inheritance. We are interested in acquired immunity, and this is information of resistance to the external environment. It sounds complicated, but here's an example - a person is born, the first thing his immune system encounters is bacteria and fungi in a girl's intimate parts (that's why it's important to give birth naturally). Then there are bacteria, fungi, viruses in the maternity hospital, on the hands of parents, etc. Everything new (and food too) that enters such a growing organism is very necessary information for learning. The cells of the immune system break down complex objects (e.g. a bacterial cell) into molecules that are signatures (antigens) of this object. By the way, this is partly the same principle on which computer antivirus works 🧐
Next, an antibody is formed for each signature, this is a tag protein. These tags mark all the bad things the organism has encountered. So each such tag is a memory of something bad that ever entered the body. There are other mechanisms, more complex, but this is a separate topic.

The bottom line is that during the growth of the body, the immune system grows and learns. This growth is most active until the end of puberty.The more the growing organism encounters antigens from the environment, the more trained its immune system becomes in the future. This is why young children eat everything in their mouths, their body learns about the environment and is trained in this way 🧐

So it is very important that the child grows up in a natural environment where his immune system will see worms, bacteria, viruses and other nasty things 🙂 Doctors, scientists, parents who think that some vaccines and complete cleanliness is enough are deeply mistaken. There are many proofs of this, for example children from rural areas have less allergies and possibly autoimmune diseases than children from cities, where there is less contact of the child with the environment.

BUT, we should not forget that in an aggressive environment, the immune system needs resources to fully function and learn. These are energy in the form of ATP and all kinds of nutrients (protein, vitamins, minerals). If a growing organism is constantly faced with infections, but does not have the resources to train the immune system - learning does not take place. Moreover, in this case the immune system turns on aggressive responses: high temperature, synthesis of oxidizing substances (e.g. hydrogen peroxide), etc. That is, cure is slow with damage to the body from such harsh measures. People that get sick for weeks with fever - this is your situation. This is why it is important to provide your child not only natural conditions, but also nutritious food and a stress-free environment.

In adulthood (+\- 30 years), the immune system is not as capable of full learning. Whatever these clowns say about pushing the covidal flu vaccine. 😁We need to help her. You can do it with supplements, antihelminthics, antivirals, etc. But as I keep saying - extremes are bad. For example, I take antihelminthic (Albendazole) for prophylaxis only after visiting warm southern countries. Antiviral (Valavir) courses a couple of times a year - only in the fall and winter. Dietary supplements (astragalus, berberine, etc.) - in courses, all year round. I'm sure these preventative measures are helpful and will help me avoid problems in the future, but I'm not imposing my approach to health on anyone else 😉