Several European Huns were found to have relatives among the Asian Xiongnu

Paleogeneticists analyzed the DNA of 370 ancient and early medieval people from several regions of Eurasia to clarify the origin of the Huns and determine whether there was a biological connection between them and the Asian Xiongnu. Scientists confirmed that the Huns from the Carpathian Basin, including representatives of the military elite, were genetically heterogeneous people with mixed and diverse origins. Nevertheless, researchers found common ancestry segments in some of them, indicating their biological relationship with the later representatives of the Asian Xiongnu nobility. They write about this in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

In the second half of the 4th century AD, a new formidable force entered the European historical arena – the Huns, who subsequently created a short-lived but huge state that stretched from Central Europe to the Volga region and the North Caucasus. There is a hypothesis, shared by many scholars, that the Huns are related to the Xiongnu (Siongnu), the steppe dwellers who created the first nomadic empire in Inner Asia and dominated the steppe zone north of China between the 3rd century BC and the 2nd century AD.

However, the problem of the connection between the Huns and the Xiongnu continues to be debatable, despite the fact that the names of these peoples or associations are very similar and may have a common origin, and the connection of the Huns with Central Asia is quite convincing. Not least of all, the discussion is connected with the fact that a large amount of time passed between the departure of the Xiongnu from the historical scene, who were replaced in the Mongol-Manchurian steppe by the Xianbei, and the appearance of the Huns in the east of Europe, that is, it is impossible to talk about the direct succession of one from the other. In addition, there are not many archaeological sites related to this long period, in the territories between the former Hunnic Empire and Europe, which could be reliably linked with the future Huns.

Зузана Гофманова (Zuzana Hofmanová) из Института эволюционной антропологии Общества Макса Планка и ее коллеги из научных организаций Австрии, Венгрии, Германии, Казахстана, США, Чехии и Южной Кореи обратились к анализу древней ДНК, чтобы уточнить происхождение гуннов и попытаться найти их возможную биологическую связь с азиатскими хунну. Для этого ученые секвенировали ДНК 35 человек, 23 из которых похоронили в V–VI веках на территории Карпатского бассейна. Останки еще 12 человек происходили из могильника Берел (Восточно-Казахстанская область) — известного погребального памятника пазырыкской культуры, в котором в более позднее время хоронили своих покойных и другие кочевники. Так, в данном случае ученые анализировали ДНК людей, живших во II–V веках нашей эры.

Исследователи также включили в работу ранее опубликованные геномы и в общей сложности собрали выборку из 370 последовательностей ДНК древних и раннесредневековых индивидов, которых можно разделить на три группы. Первая — 80 человек из археологических контекстов, связанных с хунну (209 год до нашей эры — 98 год нашей эры). Вторая группа — 63 человека из Центральной Азии, которые умерли во II–VI веках нашей эры. Третья группа и самая многочисленная группа — индивиды из Карпатского бассейна, умершие в конце IV — конце VI века нашей эры (поздний сарматский, гуннский и гепидский периоды). Кроме того, для сравнения исследователи использовали и ранее опубликованные геномы, не относящиеся к этим трем группам.

Геномный анализ показал, что у большинства людей из Карпатского бассейна, умерших в конце IV — конце VI века нашей эры, отсутствовала примесь из популяций, связанных с Восточной (или Северо-Восточной) Азией. В разном объеме последнюю ученые обнаружили в геномах 19 человек из этого региона. Причем даже у людей, похороненных в могилах так называемого восточного типа, пропорция азиатских предков заметно отличалась, как и время их смешения с разными популяциями из более западных частей Евразии. Это говорит о том, что гунны не были однородной популяцией (что предполагалось и ранее). Более того, прибыв в Карпатский бассейн, они, видимо, продолжили смешиваться с местными группами.

The scientists paid special attention to the analysis of common-by-descent genome segments (IBD), which allows determining the relationship between individuals up to the eighth to tenth degree. This work made it possible to find a number of pairs of relatives, including between several people from Asian monuments of the Xiongnu nobility, buried several hundred kilometers from each other. However, the most important discovery was that through common-by-descent segments in the genomes, it is possible to link several people from the burials of the "eastern type" from the Carpathian Basin and representatives of the Xiongnu elite of the late period through people from burials of the 3rd-4th centuries AD, excavated in the steppe zone between the two regions. In addition, the researchers noted that they did not find common segments in the genomes of people from the late Xiongnu context and nomads of the 2nd-6th centuries AD from the monuments of the Tien Shan, who are also usually called Huns in the literature.

Thus, genomic data indicate that the European Huns were not a homogeneous population. This primarily concerns people from the so-called eastern-type burials excavated in the Carpathian Basin, which probably contained the remains of representatives of the Hunnic military elite and members of their families. At the same time, some Huns, judging by the results of DNA analysis, were partly descendants of representatives of the Hunnic elite, whose burials were excavated in Asia.

At the beginning of the second half of the 6th century AD, that is, about a hundred years after the collapse of the Hunnic state, a new wave of migrants from the East came to the Carpathian Basin - the Avars. Genetic analysis of the remains of the core of these newcomers showed that they were people of predominantly Asian origin, who, even after moving to Central Europe, mixed little with the local population.

From DrMoro