A short post in addition to the topic of muscle loss (sarcopenia). I mentioned that there are natural substances that affect myostatin, a protein that suppresses muscle growth from the TGF-b protein superfamily. So, one of these substances may be sulforaphane from broccoli . But, I somehow came across an article by bioinformaticians who screened natural compounds for the presence of myostatin receptor binding properties. From them I learned that it turns out that a substance from black cumin (Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin) has such properties. This substance is Dithymoquinone.

The study created a phytochemical library of approximately 2000 compounds derived from various traditional medicinal plants. These compounds were taken primarily from published disease treatment studies and screened for potential anti-MSTN (Myostatin) agents. For analysis, the compounds were retrieved from the PubChem database.

Based on the results of the modeling (PatchDock, GROMACS, those who know will understand 🤓) the four best compounds were selected based on their drug-like properties. Of these four compounds, Dithymoquinone had the best binding free energy (-7.40 kcal/mol). As a result, it was found that Dithymoquinone inhibits myostatin most strongly.

Of course, these are not in vivo studies, but they are an important first step in finding therapeutic properties. What is also interesting is that this substance is credited with antiviral properties. Links to the studies are below.


From DrMoro