AlphaFold AI Reveals Details of Egg-Sperm Fusion Process

AlphaFold AI predicts 3D protein structures and studies their role in disease development. In a new study  reported in  Nature, scientists used AI to study in detail the role of proteins in the process of joining an egg and sperm. Until now, it was believed that one protein from each egg and sperm was needed for fertilization. Now it has been established that three proteins are needed to achieve this goal.

Three proteins form a complex and interact with each other to fuse gametes. It is with their help that recognition occurs, through which gametes recognize each other before joining.

"It is now clear that this is no longer the old concept of a key and a lock. The mechanism is more complex," said reproductive biologist Enrica Bianchi of the University of Rome, who was not involved in the study.

The scientists plan to study the new mechanism in terms of the causes of low fertility and infertility in humans. If so, the discovery could lead to new treatments that improve the chances of conception.

AlphaFold has previously been used to search for new psychedelic molecules. The AI ​​has helped identify thousands of new candidates that could form the basis for more effective antidepressants.

From DrMoro